jeudi 19 mars 2009

The rules in the school Notre-Dame

Pupils are not allowed to eat in class but they are allowed to eat during the break time.

They are not allowed to using mobile phone but they are allowed to using mobile phone during school journeys .

They are not allowed to to have tattoos but they are allowed to have earrings in girls .

They are not allowed to have crests but they are allowed to have a discreet hairstyle.

They are not allowed to shout but they are allowed to shout during the break time .

2 commentaires:

Miss STAS a dit…

Tu as voulu chercher du vocabulaire et tu ne sais pas te servir d'un dictionnaire. Résultat: tes phrases n'ont plus de sens.
"a crest" = le sommet d'une montagne ou la crête d'un coq! Alors que veut dire: "They are not allowed to have crests"??!!!
Par ailleurs, attention, tu sais que "be allowed to" est suivi d'une BV. Il faut donc respecter cette règle de grammaire, c'est le but de l'exercice!!!

Rachel a dit…

bonjour !